
The Rise of Photonic Computing

We return encouraged and energised from a very successful CadenceConnect 2024 event where we had the pleasure of speaking to a stellar audience about the work we are pioneering in Photonic Computing. 

This year’s theme, The Rise of Photonic Computing, was very impressively patronised by industry and academic experts with whom we got to ‘sound out’ our approach to integrated photonics.

We presented our approach; To enable real-time processing of always-encrypted data (FHE) as a means to truly evidence the processing super power of photonics.  FHE is an application highly suited to photonics. Not disregarding the challenges ahead, it is safe to say that the feedback we received gave us cause to feel confident that the Optalysys approach is the right one, evidenced through positive conversations with the big tech companies (Nvidia, Google, Intel – to name a few) and the broader audience of photonics experts at the event.

A key recurring theme across event discussions centred around the current barriers to photonics adoption – the evolving nature of the ecosystem, the need for this to mature, and increased standardisation being key to wider-scale access and adoption. But balanced with real positivity about the potential Photonics offers to overcome current data transport bottlenecks in advanced AI and machine learning applications.

For photonics to thrive, there is a collective consciousness surrounding the need to find applications where the technology is a true enabler, offering compelling advantages from both a cost and utility perspective. There was a clear consensus view that the proof point for photonics is getting it to work in harmony with other applications.

Feedback on our approach

Optalysys’s focus on FHE was well received as it overcomes the performance and accessibility challenges experienced today, breaking through the “too costly” and “too difficult” barriers. The potential of what we’re building generated interest and excitement from a whole spectrum of event attendees and key conversations with the big tech firms backed up our design approach, with added reassurance that our thinking is lining up with broader industry roadmaps.

We came away from the event buoyed by the genuine interest in what we’re doing, with conversations at the event substantiating our route to market. Not only are we enabling FHE powered by photonics, but we are making this “power couple” available on the cloud, on demand, ensuring it is accessible and easy to use; with our technology easily integrating into other tech stacks.

We’re energised, focused and on a mission to unlock the always-encrypted data promise of FHE, powered by photonics.

Thanks to our hosts and industry colleagues

It’s always a pleasure to be invited to speak at these types of events. Not only do we get to share our story, but we tap into global expertise, are stimulated by the discussions we have and bring back a broader perspective about where we’re heading.

Many thanks to our event hosts at Cadence Design Systems, and for the debate and discussion with colleagues from Nvidia, Intel, Google, Nokia, Enosemi, Broadcom,, GlobalFoundries, Neurophos and looking at some of the mathematical problems that make lattice-based cryptography secure.